What patients who took the next step in pain relief by enrolling in the NeuroBehavioral Pain Management Program say about their results:
“I have been in chronic pain for over 12 years. I have tried three typed pages of medications including morphine, oxycontin, percocet, methadone etc. I was on three daily medications plus pain killers. I have seen over 20 different doctors not including a Kahuna in Hawaii, a cranial sacral therapist, a Rolfing specialist, accu-pressure, accupuncture, bio-feedback specialists and the list goes on.”
“Before the training, I was frustrated and was out of hope. Although I was in a great deal of pain, I was asked if I wanted to start the program that evening, as there was a cancellation. (I thought to myself ‘Wow, an hour there, an hour back for another try at something new… no, I think I'll wait for the next class, next month.‘) I politely declined. Here I am, in chronic pain and I said ‘no’ to a new possibility… what a fool!”
“The training was inspirational… okay, let me back track. After the first meeting, I rolled my eyes to my husband as we left and asked him if he thought one of the people in the group was a ‘plant’ and had he just felt that we left some type of Revival?!”
“Within four days of my first class, I was a believer! The training worked!! It was all so simple. The instructor was funny, easy-going and excited for each new stage we passed!”
“By the next class, each and every person looked younger and seemed happier than the previous week. As a result of the training, I have my life back. It still takes work on my part from time to time, but the old me is back.”
“Within eight weeks of this program, I am off all daily medications and have not taken more than two pain killers in any one week! I am happier, healthier and pain free most of the time. I have hope for others who have lived in a prision of medications and pain to become virtually pain free! I can now be the wife, mother and grandmother that I have always wanted to be. I can do so many things I thought I would never do again. I am even going back to work next week!”
“I would recommend this training for every person who has an ailment that causes them pain. It is worth your time, trust me… I wish I found this training 12 years ago… it would have saved me years of pain, not to mention the time and money I have spent in and at doctors' offices, the money on prescriptions, etc.”
— Suzan Howdeshell
“NeuroBehavioral Programs hasn’t just helped me reduce my pain (I now have relief for up to 72 hours at a time) but has also taught me how to be more positive and have better peace of mind. I now look forward to the future instead of worrying about it.”
— Susan Hicks
“As a mother and supervisor of fifteen field reps, my life was slowly eroding. After learning how to control my headache pain and stress using my mind, things seem amazingly more effortless now — and pain free. I can entertain again and I can be with my husband and children. Now I’m back on track. Since beginning the program I haven’t missed a day at work. My field reps, family, and friends remark I am much calmer. And I haven’t needed injections to control my pain!”
— Lisa Slayback
“I am totally relaxed, peaceful. I feel good, colors are brighter. I feel energetic — I just want to go do something… I want to do something with my husband today.” (after Level 1)
— Deborah Johnson
“My neck and shoulders feel looser, I’m very comfortable, extremely relaxed — which is rare for me. I feel like I could be here forever. Things seem brighter, and it’s just more enjoyable to be sitting in this chair I sit in all the time. I feel I am on my way to doing away with the pain and I feel better about myself.” (after Level 1)
“I feel more relaxed, free, my shoulders are more relaxed. I feel no stress. I feel better about things today. I was skeptical about this program in the beginning, but it has worked better than I thought it would. Thank you.” (after 30 day follow-up)
— Charlene Barron
“Any tension I had in my neck, shoulders, and arms is virtually gone; I’m not tight anymore. I don’t feel as heavy in the chest, neck, or shoulders… I just feel lighter. I’m more present… I’m with me now. I feel much more hopeful now, very hopeful.” (after Level 1)
“ I am so thankful for this program. It has helped me out so much. You have been a pleasure to work with.” (after Level 3 follow-up)
— Aronica Jones
“I have an overall sense of contentment. My thorax is looser, my sciatic pain is still zero, and I feel more alert. I don’t know how it works, but this is great.” (after Level 1)
— Robert
“I haven’t been this pain free for at least three years. I’ve never been able to sit for this long, and I am completely relaxed and comfortable.” (after Level 1)
“This was my last hope, and I was skeptical! Before this program I had lost my body, mind, and spirit, but this program got me back in touch with that. Things are very different for me now. I feel so good. You have helped me get my life back.” (after 30 day follow-up)
— Donna Grant
“My pain is actually gone. This feels too good to be true. But this is so welcome. I feel so relaxed, like I’ve melted into the chair. I feel like I’ve had a spa treatment. Where has this program been for the last three years of my life while I was in pain?!
— Diane Deneau-Richards
“I have an overall sense of well-being. This is the first time in weeks I feel like I am out of the box. I intend to enjoy this. This feels so good. I have been so depressed to the point of sitting down and planning my own suicide two weeks ago. But this is good. I feel better than I did an hour ago. I think this is the most relaxed I have been in the last six months.” (after Level 1)
— John Hook
“I can’t believe this. It has been three years since I have been pain free. I feel so light and relaxed, like I could lie here all day. I feel like I could go mow the lawn… but I won't! I can’t believe this actually worked—I have been in such critical chronic pain for so long. I feel clearer, like I’m understanding things better. I feel joy not being in pain. I can’t wait to tell my husband!” (after Level 1)
— Deanna Powell
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